To Rehab Is To Be Reborn

Looking at our youth in today's scene, it is depressing to hear many of them are "coerced" into taking drugs or alcohol addiction. Of course there are many factors leading to drug addiction, the list will be endless, common causes are family background and upbringing, lack of attention in their home ground, peer pressure in schools and weakness in characters.

I am a teenager myself, going through phases of life each day, my mind and my physical body changes from time to time. Though I am still young, I do know the consequences of what drugs can do to my body. In fact, I have a senior school friend whom I know ever since he was thirteen. He was a quiet boy then, he hardly mixed much with many. His background as far as I know was normal too, no broken family ties whatsoever. Then lately around December, when I met him again, I was indeed surprised, no, as a matter of fact, I was shocked to see him so "changed". The way he talked and behaved, I know it was due to peer pressure in his college that totally changed him. I do not know how much was true but I heard he had gone to a drug rehab during his college days. But unfortunately, it did not change him for the better. It is very disheartening to see him in this condition.

In my opinion, it is very important to choose a right drug rehab treatment program. According to Chapman House Rehab, they have a wide range of options to choose from, all which includes treatment for disorders such as alcoholism, drug addiction, food and eating disorders and much more. They also offer family intervention, well-trained psychologists, drug testing, addiction tests and other services to terminate addiction and disorders. One of the programs include drug detoxification, that is helping the body to clean itself from drugs, alcohol and other toxins that are attacking the body while at the same time, minimizing withdrawal symptoms.

From the website, there are many more programs in Chapman House Rehab, for more details, call this number at 1-800-451-1947. They are here to offer support and guidance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


teen addiction treatment said...

Yes. Reborn. There are many factors out there that can attract your child to be addicted. Mostly it happens where your child goes.


Life Works said...

Going to rehab is a great way to help overcome an addictiom and there are some great places out there.

Life Works

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