Reverse Phone Number

Have you ever experience this before... when you are having a good nap in the afternoon, the phone starts to ring and you have to drag yourself up to answer the phone but by the time you reached out to it, it stopped ringing? For me, I have experienced it many times, not only it had disturbed me, it also left me wondering who have called and waited for it to ring again but normally it never. Kind of frustrating, right?
Well, lately I came to know reverse number Canada that gives this fantastic service, that is, not only they show the number but they can track down the owner's name, address, phone carrier, line type, postal code, city and province. Amazing? With this, we can track down our caller, be it our friends, pranksters' calls, we will get to know all the details. Not only that, reverse number Canada has information on outdated numbers that could be 5 to 10 years old. With this new technology, I am sure most of us will find their services effective and efficient. To know more about this fantastic service, just go to this link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think that service can only be used in canada, right?

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