What A Celebration

Whatssup with that title over there? What a celebration? Seems like I didn't enjoy my Chinese New Year as much as I should. What Happened?

Let's start off with Tuesday. I woke up from my nap in the evening I start to feel a little hot, so I took a panadol and did not go for physics tuition. Ok, that night went on quite ok. Then the next day I woke up feeling fever. OMGness, the reunion dinner would be coming in like 10 hours and I am having a fever of 38 degrees celsius. It's ok I told myself. It's ok. I went downstairs I grabbed a tin of 100plus drank it with full force and after finishing it I felt a little better so I continued with some rest hoping by the night comes I can enjoy the food served on the dinner table. So I slept and slept and slept and when I woke up *YEAH* I felt better so I ran down to grab another tin of 100plus and drank it. After that I went to bath and went to my grandma's for dinner. After dinner went to my another grandma's house to hang out with my cousins from KL. Then bout 10 something I came home and took a slept and there goes one day.

The next morning, I woke up feeling quite alright and when my mum came in and told me that my body is filled with red dots. I went to the mirror and see. OMGness, THERe ARE RED DOTS. But the fever wasn't there. So what was it actually? Went to the doctor yesterday midnight when I was suffering from a high fever of 38.4 the doctor said I had measles. Great. Of all days why chinese new year and I would be all fine by school reopens, This is crap. I have to stay home and stay out of every food that there is in everypart of the house. I have fever up and down and the worse thing is I am suffering from an extreme pain sorethroat. ISH~!!

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