Exam gone, Band come

Exam is officially over today after the PJK paper which I know nothing bout it. Haha. Who cares anyway bout PJK. It won't be in the SPM syllabus. Well, everything is over now. I can now concentrate in band for a month and some sports. Hehe. What sports? I do sports? Weird =.=

Prelim's on the 13/6 which is on the Tuesday, first week of school after the holidays and the finalss on the 22/6. Not sure bout the finals cause they like to postpone. But prelims. Argh!! A month from now and MMB still haven't started anything. maybe 1/5 of the formation. 2 weeks to learn up 4 formations? That would be a miracle. Don't want to lose this year. I don't wish to lose at all. Will we be skipping classes? Or just wait for miracles to happen like one day suddenly all the members can walk the whole formation? LOL

Speaking bout band competitions. I wonder how I lost my band competition certs for 2004,2005 and 2006. I really don't know how I lose them all. I remember keeping it in my file and now it's all gone. Really sad when I think bout this. My band certs are all gone.. ARGH!!!!

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